Surgical Oncologist

Dr S K Dubey is a very important team member of the Surgical Oncology in Atal Memorial Cancer Care . After Completing his masters, he has completed fellowhsip in Head & Neck Cancer Surgery from Trivandrum, Kerala.

Dr S K Dubey has also attended fellowship in Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Care New York in USA under Dr Jatin Shah, which is considered as the best cancer hospital in the world and has trained with best cancer doctors in the world.

Dr. Dubey is also a member of reputable cancer societies all over the world such as Indian Society of Oncology, Asian Society of Head & Neck Oncology , European Head & Neck Society,American Head & Neck Oncology Society ,Foundation of Head & Neck Oncology.

He has numerous national and international publications also to his name . Dr S K Dubey has done a residency in the most prestigious ALL INDIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (AIIMS) post his masters degree and has a vast clinical experience in management of cancer patients.

Dr. Suyash is available all round the clock for the patients and is fully dedicated to cancer care.